Tuesday, December 30, 2008

7th Follower Muw ha ha

Only five more followers and I will have my apocalyptic twelve. Then we will let loose the hounds of destruction! J/k

Thanks goes out to Mary Biddinger for becoming a follower. I have been reading her blog the word cage for a while. I enjoy her ideas, perspective and photographs. Some sharp stuff going on there. Thanks for linking up my blog on your site as well.

Here is a poem for y'all

I'm not what you wanted

not what you wanted
Not me
Never me
I mean
I read/write poetry
for heaven’s sake

Not what you had planned
Not the athlete
throwing a pass
making a basket

But me
ended up with me
Do I regret?
Not me
Never me
not what you wanted

And once again any comments would be helpful.

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